Why Kelp? It is good for you!

This nutritious superfood contains:

  • fiber

  • vitamin c

  • vitamin k

  • iron

  • calcium

  • magnesium

  • iodine

  • Omega 3s

  • antioxidants

Raw Sugar Kelp (left) Blanched Sugar Kelp (right)

Raw Sugar Kelp (left) Blanched Sugar Kelp (right)

I’m going to admit something here. Before I met Suzie and spent time at her farm, my thoughts of seaweed didn’t really extend past sushi or what I would avoid stepping on at the beach. In no way was I actively seeking out seaweed when it came to my grocery list. But after stalking Stonington Kelp Co on instagram and learning more about this amazing sea vegetable it quickly became a part of the kitchen (and my art practice too but more on that later!).

As a vegetarian (who sometimes eats seafood) I am always looking for ways to boost my nutrition through the foods I eat. Sugar kelp helps give me a boost of all the dietary sources I mentioned earlier while also adding an umami flavor to whatever I decide to use it for. It’s a win win. Don’t believe me? I double dog dare you to give it a try this season! Keep an eye out here to order the fresh stuff (March-June) or follow @stoningtonkelpco or @sugarkelpcooperative on instagram!

Even my fav TV show Bobs Burgers knows what’s up when it comes to using kelp in the kitchen!

Even my fav TV show Bobs Burgers knows what’s up when it comes to using kelp in the kitchen!